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Screenshot of Corra's app home screen displaying medication and supplement reminders, including magnesium, vitamin D3, celecoxib, meloxicam, and a doctor appointment reminder. The top of the screen features the user's photo and name for personalization. At the bottom of the home page, there is a list showing the user's three most recently used logs: symptoms log, supplements log, and sleep log. This screen provides a convenient overview of important reminders and recent activity for seamless health management.
Screenshot of Corra's app displaying the full log screen with various logs shown, including wellness check-in, mood tracker, symptoms, nutrition, chronic pain, hydration, activity, medication, supplements, sleep, bowel movements, menstrual cycle, and heart rate. The screen showcases comprehensive tracking capabilities, enabling users to monitor and record various aspects of their health for a holistic view of their well-being.
Screenshot of Corra's app page displaying personalized correlations and insights. The screen showcases visualizations and data representations highlighting the connections between symptoms, triggers, and lifestyle factors, empowering users to make informed decisions about their health.
Screenshot of the Apple App Store download button. The button features the iconic Apple logo and the text 'Download on the App Store.' It signifies the option to download Corra from the Apple App Store for iOS devices.
Screenshot of the Google Play Store download button. The button displays the familiar Google Play logo and the text 'Get it on Google Play.' It represents the option to download Corra from the Google Play Store for Android devices.

Corra: Symptom Tracker

Corra: Your all-in-one Symptom Tracker and Health Journal for managing chronic conditions, tracking symptoms, managing mood, and enhancing self-care routines. The ultimate companion for individuals seeking to effectively manage chronic pain and monitor their overall health and well-being.

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